Comentariile membrilor:

 =  cheers
Christopher Thripp
[15.May.08 03:33]
welcome regina ..great expressive poem look forward to reading much more from you.

 =  I agree with Chris
Mike Aspros
[15.May.08 07:53]
very expressive, anger can grow and if uncheck come out in earthquake force. I like your voice, look forward to more...

 =  Thanks guys
Regina Moore
[15.May.08 23:40]
Thanks guy's really apreciate it,look forward to reading some of your's...

 =  inner anger view...
Marius Surleac
[17.May.08 10:28]
Yes, sensitive, a little bit expressive and relief of the inner feelings. About the increasing of the inner anger I want to say that can increase to a certain point but if only there are strong beliefs behind.
Cheers and welcome on the

 =  Thanks
Regina Moore
[21.May.08 20:30]
Trust me there were strong beliefs... It was a senitive subject to me thats propably why it came out to be expressive, maybe too expressive for some people... but thanks

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