Comentariile membrilor:

+ sleep under the tree...
Marius Surleac
[18.May.08 18:56]
Wow! There is quite sensitive thinking and deep acknowledgement about this excellent history lesson. You've perfectly pointed in few simple but powerful words, expressionist ones, the relation between Siddhartha and his father: he left beside all the treasures his family had and gone in the desert to find his own pathway, his revelation, from where he reached Nirvana. My opinion is that has never been a prince from a royal family that would choose another pathway like he did.
For me is a big honour that you wrote this haiku about him, because I enjoy so much the Indian philosophy and traditions, so my opinion is that it deserves a twinkle star.

Cheers my friend and wait new texts like this one.
Best regards,

 =  That worldly yellow star...
John Willy Kopperud
[18.May.08 19:01] just gave me,Marius, delights this old Scandinavian!

Cheers from Willy

 =  great.
Christopher Thripp
[19.May.08 05:45]
viking star ship sails onward...

 =  It does feel good...
John Willy Kopperud
[19.May.08 09:18]
...with such comments on this one, Chris, considering my admiration for the Buddha. When you touch a life story like that with your writing, you don't want to mess up!
Cheers from Willy on a fine spring morning up here in Oslo

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