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 =  Interesting biblical allusions...
John Willy Kopperud
[19.May.08 09:32] John the baptizer? One of the prophets in the old testament? Personally I think the piece might have profited by
making it a bit longer and richer as a tale.
Cheers from Willy

 =  Who am I? I am just a body....
Bogdan G. Marin
[19.May.08 11:31]
How could your tongue spread the names of such great saints? when now I have to name my name? I am just a body - in the desert rotten. My words were these, my words in pain. It is not a tale of fiction, it is a reality.

Though, I am glad you enjoyed it Willy.

 =  I thank God for the fact that one text may...
John Willy Kopperud
[19.May.08 12:02]
...offer various interpretations. An aspect of life as you've
experienced it? Then I must congratulate you on your choice of images. Nevertheless I do think your piece would profit by being quite a bit more elaborated.
Cheers from Willy

 =  ...
Bogdan G. Marin
[19.May.08 12:23]
"I thank God for the fact that one text may offer various interpretations."
Prose, for me, is like poetry but in propositions.

"your piece would profit by being quite a bit more elaborated."

Yes, you are right. Today I will add some more details to the text.

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