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 =  I sense...
John Willy Kopperud
[20.May.08 21:32]
...compressed sorrow here, Bogdan. You manage to express the
feeling in few words. Grows on me the second time I read it.
Cheers from Willy

 =  strong words...
Marius Surleac
[20.May.08 22:57]
Beautiful, expressive, strong words like "plastic" build in the shape of the cross in a feeling. Cheers Bogdan!

 =  I pray, so I turn my heart into a cross!!
Bogdan G. Marin
[20.May.08 23:58]
This poem is for my grandmother, though I have not showed it to her. Today she told us that she has breast cancer... My grandmother is part of my life, I love her with all my heart and mind. These words don`t even express my feelings. I hope - I pray that she will get well. I pray, so I turn my heart into a cross. I hope that flesh will not turn in plastic - motionless, heartless, mindless.

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