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 =  I'm gladly waiting to get any sort of help about correcting my mistakes
Adrian Foltean
[30.May.08 11:08]
The poem was supposed to have a central alignment, but I see now that this cannot be done on the site. One of the poem's characteristics was that the text was shaped out as a raindrop.
About the default language problem, I honestly don't understand it because I was on the English side of the page while adding the poems.

 =  !!!
Marius Surleac
[30.May.08 11:07]
Hi Adrian

First of all you are not allowed to add comments to your own texts; unless somebody makes a comment on one of your texts then you can add comment, but not before. Second there is the possibility to use a different alignment on the page but your level on the site doesn't permit that. If you'll read the rules of the site you will understand how it works with the levels and from a particular higher level you can use “html” possibilities. About the language default I do not know which seems to be the problem. Third, it less matters if the poem has a raindrop shape or else, what mainly matters is the quality of the text. I think that if you'll polish a little bit this poem, it will get out of workshop.


 =  Thanks
Adrian Foltean
[30.May.08 14:46]
Hi Marius,

Thanks for the response and for all the information.
I'll get to polishing the poem soon and you're right, the quality of the words is more important than the shape of the text.

Thank you,

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