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+ welcome new member!
Marius Surleac
[04.Jun.08 08:54]
Great imagery build with pieces from nature’s environment, the action goes slowly for the communion with nature but in antithesis with the beats of a hummingbird feathers. Small bubbles from fishes venturing the lake come in front of your eyes. I like very much the expression “the whole life torn into bits” but also the last two stanza that, for me, are very intelligent used “soaked in your breath as mine stops”.

Congratulations for this beautiful poem.


 =  Nature employed...
John Willy Kopperud
[04.Jun.08 11:14] describe human sensations. I really enjoyed the way you
used the images of amber and ice; the arrest and enveloping of life in nature. A hearty welcome to you!
Cheers from Willy

 =  thanks and something else
Lee Ann Hardt
[05.Jun.08 20:10]
Thank you both for the hearty welcome. I hope I won't disappoint you.
Still, I feel like I have to add something, as I didn't quite think of fish, but rather myself drowning.

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