Comentariile membrilor:

 =  lust for high senses...
Marius Surleac
[22.Jun.08 16:46]
Beautiful words Willy.
The poem is soft, a romantic air crosses its words and reflects memories - is like looking back to see what you realized in life; development of the time mechanism is to be found in:

" Our child is a man now
and the trees
outside the window
so much taller." - Very visual though


Best wishes,

 =  A BBC program about Leonardos "Last Supper"...
John Willy Kopperud
[22.Jun.08 17:00]
...kickstarted this poem, Marius. It's about art, the art of living and life in my own family. Thanks a lot for your generous response!
Enjoy your sunday night!

 =  reflections...
Christopher Thripp
[23.Jun.08 03:37]
ahhh the bbc ...great reflection of life and times willy...

 =  "Arts Masterpieces" ...
John Willy Kopperud
[23.Jun.08 04:09]
...was the name of the feature program series, if my mem'ry
serves me well. Thanks a lot for your nice comment, Chris!
Cheers from Willy

 =  Touched by your words
Sorin Toma BOC
[27.Jun.08 22:58]
The original love is still there, dormant, waiting to be touched in order to arouse once again...

Cheers from Sorin!

 =  Thanks a lot, Sorin!
John Willy Kopperud
[28.Jun.08 11:47]
It certainly feels good if it works that way!
Cheers from Willy

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