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 =  A politician(Mr. C?), a crimininal, both....
John Willy Kopperud
[27.Jun.08 19:29]
...or maybe a wonders, which is very well. An eerie intensity shines through these words that I do enjoy.
Cheers from Willy

 =  Thank you so much Willy! - You're half right!
Marius Surleac
[27.Jun.08 21:04]
Hi Willy!

Thank you for your kind comment and interpretation. Actually is not about mister "C" - after all he did, writing a poem about him (no matter what the positive or the negative idea inflicted) would be a wrong decision. Though I have to say I am glad about your opinion, I am glad when a poem receives different interpretations – if we take a better look, actually there are some images that can be attributed to “C”.

This poem is more like a backwards-movie that shows the dark side of a guy, ghosts of the past being its memories but also the souls he hurt during the time. The burial indicates the wipe up of the bad past and the start of a new life, new personality. It can also be seen more like a criminal instead of “mister C”.

Glad to have such opinions from you Willy.


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