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+ imaginative and filled with British air!
Marius Surleac
[17.Jul.08 19:42]
Welcome back Willy!

There is a piece from the British mist within so well used poetic words. The images are excellent provided with the poetic taste of the teller. Is like you guide us into a museum of acting thoughts about London and if the spirit of Taj Mahal is present anywhere, that is great.



 =  Victorianism...
John Willy Kopperud
[17.Jul.08 20:33]
...Marius, is usually in the modern world regarded as a culture sympathetic to the repression of sex and love. Isn't
it quite a paradox then, to meditate upon queen Victoria's
vast and sensuous love for her prince Albert? Thank you very much for your generous comment, Marius!
Cheers from Willy

 =  well, sort of...
Marius Surleac
[17.Jul.08 21:24]
I don't know if there is quite a paradox to meditate or to write about. But what I can say to you is the fact that within poetry you created such as a poetic art for the description about their love, and the similitude with Taj.

Well done Willy!


+ great job willy.
Christopher Thripp
[18.Jul.08 00:30]
you dont think that i would not comment on such a poem
all i can say his did you pay marius for that star lololol
great work my freind you do me and mine proud...
now i have to come up with something in your neck of the woods...hmmmmmmmmmmmmm

 =  (Laughter....) But really, thanks a lot, Chris...
John Willy Kopperud
[18.Jul.08 10:08] I just wonder if anyone among the readers would help me
screw those two yellow stars tight to the top of Royal Albert Memorial and Royal Albert Hall the next time they get to London.
Cheers from Willy

 =  I will!
Marius Surleac
[18.Jul.08 10:12]
I will help you Willy to screw them - when I'll get to london as well. Lol!

Cheers from Marius!

 =  good
Daniela Voicu
[27.Jul.08 11:04]
You need more 3 stars from me .
When i can i will gift to you ! ...and no more words here
Good poem!

 =  My impression...
John Willy Kopperud
[27.Jul.08 18:45]
...of the monument, Daniela, stone and metal made out of love.
Thanks a lot for your appreciation.
Cheers from Willy

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