Comentariile membrilor:

 =  Intimate and well shaped...
John Willy Kopperud
[23.Jul.08 07:30]
...but I think it must be unspoken in one word. Just a mishap I guess.
Cheers from Willy

 =  Thanks again
Claudia Sandoi
[23.Jul.08 10:28]
It was supposed to be a series of words beginning with Un, creating a nice rhythm and describing that special state of mind but the poem changed(I had nothing to do with it) and I forgot to make the change. Thank you for your most wellcomed feed-back. I cannot help observe how positive and friendly are the people/editors in the English section of Agonia compared to the ones in the Romanian section. Anyway I like this part more than the critical (always in a negative way) Romanian part.
See you around!

 =  Well done Claudia!
Marius Surleac
[23.Jul.08 10:32]
Beautiful poem - filled with fluency, soft, calm, wavering sensations and so on.

Well done!


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