Comentariile membrilor:

 =  !!!
Marius Surleac
[24.Jul.08 10:00]
There is “business” instead of “bussiness”; “the guests left” instead of “guests leaved".

 =  I'll try and be more careful! :)
damacus daiana lucia
[31.Jul.08 22:33]
I'm sorry if I made a mistake but it's hard to be perfect. Besides, I didn't change the meaning of the text at all. Sometimes I make mistakes because I wrote this story a year ago so I'm not paying the same attention to it as i do with the one I'm writing now. But I promise I'll try to be a little more careful.

 =  !!!
Marius Surleac
[31.Jul.08 22:39]
Ok. First of all you don't have to answer with a comment about your text in the page of other text. Secondly, there is an irregular verb and is correctly to be used "guests left" and even the text is written a year ago then you can pay attention when you post it. Of course nobody's perfect and we are here to improve the quality of the texts by helping one with another.

 =  !!!
Marius Surleac
[31.Jul.08 22:40]
"Leaved" means something else.

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Înapoi !