Comentariile membrilor:

 =  well done!
Marius Surleac
[08.Aug.08 23:28]
Again, great rhythm and rhyme. Interesting though and a little bit funny! Well done!


 =  Thank you
Lisnic Anna
[09.Aug.08 09:15]
I am glad that you like my poems. I hope I will not disappoint my readers in the future

 =  An instance of Love's Great (Im)possibilities
Simona Sumanaru
[10.Aug.08 10:33] captured here. You've got me wondering again when/why love has become a battlefield. Suggestions: "We go to sleep alone at night/But still we share the same old dream", also "Then take a shower, have some tea". You want to sound harsh, but you can't hide that sweet womanly sensitivity. Some advice: When you go with the rhyming flow, try not to leave English behind ;-)

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