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 =  Expressive poem worth reading....
John Willy Kopperud
[19.Aug.08 13:00]
...describing aspects of attraction, but please:
"all I want is one nights fly"???
FLY in this grammatical sense means the INSECT. I suppose that
was nor your intention. I suggest you'd rather write FLIGHT.
Cheers from Willy

 =  Way too funny....
Cleo Sandoi
[19.Aug.08 19:39]
Dear Willy,
Every time I get a notice with a comment from you I expect to get a "but" in there. Obviously, you are right every time and I neet to thank you once more for the very possitive way you give feedback. My mistake this time is so funny that I cannot stop laughing. I will correct it for the sake of common good sense and will try, as always to get my head down from the clouds that cloud my judgement(pun intended) when it comes to the proper use of English.

Thank you for your time, patience and friendship

 =  good job
Lynn West
[20.Aug.08 07:17]
I like this poem - good job

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