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 =  Lewis C
Marius Surleac
[06.Sep.08 15:07]
I also like Lewis C. "Alice in wonderlands" and this shows perfectly that chess game, the Alice's childish behaviour well described.

Well done Willy and nice rhyme in the title as well!


 =  Through The Looking-glass!
John Willy Kopperud
[06.Sep.08 16:29]
"Alice" is by far the best known of Lewis's books, the chess
game, however, takes place in "Through the Looking-glass", a
book full of wondrous Victorian poetry and fiction as well. It is a bit undeserved that it has to such a degree been placed in the shadow of "Alice in Wonderland." Thank you very much for your appreciation, Marius!

Cheers from Willy

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