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 =  welcome back!
Marius Surleac
[12.Sep.08 09:18]
Welcome back Camelia!

I see in your text a search for the rest in other's soul, nice visuality, smooth use of the repetitions increases the magnitude of sensations, rhythm. Beautiful poem!

Well done!

Best wishes,

 =  Thank you,
heghedus camelia
[13.Sep.08 08:44]
Marius. I appreciate your patience and your friendly attitude. You care for people and this is the most beautiful poem.

 =  hubble anyone?
ion a
[15.Sep.08 07:44]
is this an image from the hubble telescope?
i'm always glad to welcome experimentation in poetry, particularly when welded to science :)
i would go one step further and use the words as a feedback loop for the image/meditation provided. after all, the images we get of distant stars and galaxies in outer space are only "mirrors... in all dimensions filling it like a hunger"

 =  Yes, it seems that
heghedus camelia
[15.Sep.08 11:54]
You should know what emotion on me, something like awe melted into gladness, before reading every of your comment. Of course you saw deeply that I succeeded to show. And your sign is much more intelligent than my poetry. I’ll think how to change to accomplish the feedback you suggest. But using the words this way means to be poet and you know I’m too far from. Thank you very much, Ion!!

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