Comentariile membrilor:

 =  we feel the touch of autumn
Marius Surleac
[14.Sep.08 23:45]
Great imagery used here, indeed the anticipation of rain pointed on the sky by the crows, old beliefs!

Well done!


 =  that image..a Déjà vu
Corina Gina Papouis
[15.Sep.08 15:04]
you described above - saw it this mornning, in the park!

 =  thanks
Monica David
[16.Sep.08 09:23]
Marius, Thank you for your comment. I'm glad you like it.

A good day, Monica

 =  Corina
Monica David
[16.Sep.08 09:35]
Corina Papouis, I was myself inspired from a vision alike. The sky covered with darken clouds, the crows so many, were making beyond the trees, a sound so strong, yet so pleasant. The whole nature in a whirl and you knew that the rain was going to pour down any moment.
Thanks for your comment, Monica

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