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 =  excellent K!
Marius Surleac
[20.Sep.08 09:29]
A well written poem, strong idea invades the words, the imagery smoothly presented, the easiness of the language. Though, there is quite an interesting approach of Coleridge's Kubla Khan, not like an opium-induced dream, reverie but something similar.

The last three verses are excellent, especially the last one.

Well done!

P.S. From now on you'll be able to post texts by your own. Read the rules of the site and I'm sure that you'll do a good job!

We're waiting for more!

Best wishes,

John Willy Kopperud
[21.Sep.08 22:03]
On this haunting poem where a Victorian mist seems to crawl out of the lines. Beautiful use of metaphors. It is indeed a
good thing that you can post texts without the aid of the staff from now on. Over quite a short period you have managed to present some of the more outstanding poems on this site.
Cheers from Willy

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