Comentariile membrilor:

 =  welcome new member!
Marius Surleac
[26.Sep.08 16:35]
This is an interesting sonnet and I like the descriptions here!

Cheers from Marius!

 =  I am trying...
Edgar A. Baguio
[01.Oct.08 20:00]
Thanks a lot for welcoming me. I hope it can add something here in this website.

Keep in touch then.

 =  Be Professional..
Edgar A. Baguio
[02.Oct.08 15:38]
And hey Marius,

Are you reading your own rules? Because I just erased my "Deaf Noise" for putting it into a "portfolio". Can you explain what is the meaning of that? Are you changing the rules here? Because it says " no more than 4-5 poems a day, and not "2".

Don't be a kid, be a professional.

 =  !!!
Marius Surleac
[02.Oct.08 15:46]
Edgar, I am professional and do not take me as a kid. It appears like that probably because the changes haven't been done yet on the English version of Agonia. But I let everybody to know that are not allowed more than two texts per day. Also, why did you erase your text? "Portfolio only" doesn't mean "Workshop only" and after some time, would have got back in first page.

One more thing for you to know is that if you'll erase one of your texts, when you'll repost it will enter in "portfolio only".

Do not make this kind of conclusions without thinking first why?


Pentru a putea adăuga comentarii trebuie sa vizionezi acest text în limba în care a fost înscris.

Foloseşte link-ul existent în pagină (lângă data înscrierii textului), sau alege limba corespunzătoare şi accesează din nou acest text.

De asemenea, nu poţi comenta din pagina care include comentariile off-topic.

Înapoi !