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 =  welcome new member!
Marius Surleac
[27.Sep.08 12:04]
Interesting playground!

Though I have to mention few mistakes:

Can you tell me what „lyricless” means – maybe you mean “lyrics”, also there should be “instruments” instead of “instrumets”, maybe is “bat guanos” instead of “bat guans” because “guan” is a bird not the excrement called “guano”; “horizontal” instead of “horisontal”; “playground” instead of “playgound”; “unmoved” instead of “unmowed”; “had forgotten” instead of “had forgot”, or just simple “forgot” without “had” in front.


 =  Thanks!
Daniela Hendea
[27.Sep.08 22:47]
Thank you so much for reading my lines and for the welcome. I'm going to correct the mistakes!

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