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 =  in a knot!
Marius Surleac
[02.Oct.08 17:01]
I like these high expectations, feelings, strongly connected to the Latin saw, a bit of anger. Well done Andrada!

One minor error though: there is "caress" instead of "carress".


 =  oops
Andrada Ianosi
[02.Oct.08 18:28]
Thank you for pointing it out. Typing error, but thanks to you I fixed it.

I'm really glad you liked the text. Unfortunately, we all enter life filled with immense expectations, but what we find is nothing more than illusions. Once again : Vanitas vanitatum omnia vanitas.

 =  I enjoyed reading this too
Mike Aspros
[03.Oct.08 07:52]
Mercurial words, beautiful opening, symbolizing the chaotic dialogue from within we have with each other. Thank you for sharing this, best -mike

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