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 =  Laura, that end line is not yours!
Corina Gina Papouis
[04.Oct.08 23:58]
It's form 'Hello' by Evanescence.. I love that song! so unless you point out in your text where the line is coming's kind of not yours!

 =  well
Muresan Laura
[05.Oct.08 00:05]
that's why I put it between " ". because it is not mine

 =  fair enough but...
Corina Gina Papouis
[05.Oct.08 00:23]
I am still not clear if that is sufficient, I mean without mentioning an author's name. Don't mean to pick on you!:)that line just struck me as..odd without its master..

 =  different ending
Muresan Laura
[05.Oct.08 13:51]

 =  Laura!:)
Corina Gina Papouis
[05.Oct.08 16:49]
I loved the previous ending though! If I were you I would have changed the subtitle to (October)..with Evanescence or something like that…
Good poem eitherway!

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