Comentariile membrilor:

 =  welcome new member!
Marius Surleac
[31.Oct.08 08:42]
Well here's a nice description of the autumn. Soft idea and visual as well, filled with symbols that reflect the emotions for such period of the year.

Well done Narcis!

Best wishes,

 =  Marius S
Murza Narcis Ioel
[31.Oct.08 12:53]
thanks for passing through my text, Marius
a golden day for you & best wishes ,too
sincerity, Narcis

 =  .
Laurentiu Ion
[03.Nov.08 18:34]
honestly, it`s a majestic piece!
I like the way you blend the different things that involves autumn .
so, let it be, if you want a perfect poem to picture out the nature.


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