Comentariile membrilor:

+ the colour of love
Marius Surleac
[11.Nov.08 16:52]
A wonderful poem brought the smile on my face today - this one!

It is simple built, very visual, silent, and serene. The final stanza is magnificent - the pure mind of a child that sees something that we, the grown-ups, don't see - something beautiful. The eyes are windows for truth, from where you can see the soul of a person.

Well done, great that you put the view point like that.

A star for its simplicity and the message sent.

Best wishes,

 =  Marius
Corina Gina Papouis
[11.Nov.08 17:43]
Thank you for the wonderful comment and sign of appreciation:)
I shall give Nicholas the star! (it is after all his) Maybe I will attach one of his drawings to the text as well (might need your help with this task). He is my little Picasso, there are so many things his eyes can see in a better way than mine can...and this is not the only reason I love him dearly, of course:)...

Yhank you again,


 =  Simple, beautiful...
John Willy Kopperud
[11.Nov.08 18:30]
...and crystal clear - as your son's perception of how his
love for you should be depicted! Wonderful, Corina!
Cheers from Willy

 =  Willy
Corina Gina Papouis
[11.Nov.08 21:13]
Thanks for the lovely words, as I said, it's Nicolas' credit not mine... I only wrote it down...:)



 =  sweet
Simona Sumanaru
[05.Jan.09 17:02]
simple and true. we should all be around kids, we might get to learn something

 =  Simona
Corina Gina Papouis
[05.Jan.09 19:16]
I am on a 'crash-course' with 2 under 5s!:)Thank you!

 =  corina
Simona Sumanaru
[06.Jan.09 09:58]
sounds like you have your hands full! :-) good luck! :-)

 =  .
Laurenþiu Ion
[06.Jan.09 19:28]
it's shaped like a diamond
wrapped around your neck

cheers :)

 =  :)
Corina Gina Papouis
[06.Jan.09 20:05]
yes Simona, I need that 'Good luck' with 2 little boys (make that 3!):))

Laurentiu, thank you for your kind remark!! It was pretty much word for word from my 5 y old.
the boys are my diamonds and yes, sometimes they are round my neck!:))

Thank you both!

 =  ....
Daniela Voicu
[13.Jan.09 13:12]
wonderful color, wonderful poem


 =  Daniela
Corina Gina Papouis
[13.Jan.09 21:52]
Glad you liked the colours of innocent love...

 =  Gunsel Djemal
[26.Feb.09 13:01]
Love it, lovely, innocent and beautiful.

 =  ;;)
Cãtãrãu Alina - Andreea
[01.Jan.10 20:56]
Children are purer than most of us and they see things in a more serious way than we do.
I really love your poem, it's short, but suggestive.

Best wishes for 2010!


 =  surprise...
adriana anusca
[05.Jan.11 21:05]
It is true. You drag the reader's imagination to wander about what he/she can find next... What he/she actually finds is... a surprise. It is the poem of the children - the surprise in their eyes astonishes the grown-ups.

Beautiful poem...

 =  glitter
Motoc Lavinia
[06.Jan.11 13:08]
Words in the mouth of children become glitter, don't they?
I have two girls you know, maybe we can meet up sometime, what do you say?
Leave an e-mail address if you can. Alternatively e-mail me: [email protected]

 =  Ladies!
Corina Gina Papouis
[08.Jan.11 12:58]
this was an attempt of 'touching' the world through their eyes...I guess I am lucky to be able to enjoy such privileges..while they last..:p
Lavinia, I have to boys: shall we make a deal?;;)
I'll contact you!
Thank you all, really appreciated feedback..:)

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