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 =  my opinion
Yoanna D
[10.Jan.09 14:30]
I think you did a great job with this poem, you combined the social perspective, the „need” to keep it private and to hide from things people don`t „like” with the sadness and loneliness of a child, the purity and vulnerability („tattooes”, marks of „unconditional” love) of a child`s body and soul, a great mix of social and emotional acts and consequences. It is such a clever and emotional poem and sooooo painful but very well done :)

Best wishes, Ioana D.

 =  Yoanna
Corina Gina Papouis
[07.May.09 14:09]
sorry for a late reply...just found your message.
it is a sad and true story of a little boy who died in London and words are far from being able to describe the feelings aroused by such shocking events.
As a nation we have learnt to become more assertive and the law is now changing...
However, for Baby P this is too late, we have failed him!

Thanks for your thoughts!
PS ...more here:

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