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+ at the closing of the year...
Corina Gina Papouis
[15.Dec.08 00:11]
is it just me amazed by this poem????

reading it felt like watching 'The passion of the Christ', the film by Mell Gibson, all over again...Heavy but presented with highlights in such great detail and insight.

I do hope that this one goes to the front page.

I also hope you get a fresh start, too!:)


 =  gut!
Marius Surleac
[15.Dec.08 16:33]
Corina is right, the religion is a basic brick within the text. I like the imagery created here.

Well done


P.S. Time for promotion - from now on you can give stars!

 =  Thank you Corina, thank you Marius
Simona Sumanaru
[15.Dec.08 17:25]
for feeling my words (and for the promotion! :-) ) I think we all get plenty of new beginnings, it just depends what we make of them. Thanks again for making me feel I don't work for nothing. Means a lot.

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