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 =  thuggish poem!
Marius Surleac
[02.Jan.09 16:29]
Corina, I like this narrative pattern of yours, the ironic note built in. Though a sort of relative nonconformism I sense.

Well done!


 =  :)
Corina Gina Papouis
[02.Jan.09 18:28]
Marius, I guess the guilt of eating too much Xmas pudding has finally hit home!

+ Ode to Dualism...
John Willy Kopperud
[02.Jan.09 18:50]
...and that devilish grin. Sometimes malice is SO refreshing!
Cheers from Willy

 =  Willy:)
Corina Gina Papouis
[03.Jan.09 01:29]
I felt the need to 'punish' myself over Xmas by watching 'Life of Brian' and adding lots of brandy-butter on my Xmas pud. (Oh God, I am going 'downstairs' for this one!) looks like you're coming with me!:)))
We'll burn like a flame not fade like a flower, I promise!:)
Thank you!

 =  PS: a post Christmas bonus
Corina Gina Papouis
[03.Jan.09 01:58]
'thought provoking' link: ho ho ho!:))

forgive me Father(Xmas!)

 =  Cheers and smiles ;)
Yoanna D
[03.Jan.09 10:53]
Great verses, so refreshing, I finally got out of all that "holy" mannerism that got the best of my dear friends, you treated it with such great humor, and although I am not sure how beautiful Envy is, well… you can always say you are a friend of nature and you don’t discriminate based on looks :P
I just love it and your witty humor is truly delightful.
Best wishes for the New Year, Ioana D.

 =  yo-ana:))
Corina Gina Papouis
[03.Jan.09 22:38]
I think that first person to laugh at in order to boost own confidence is yourself! :))
glad you liked the irony and the dualism here (I am actually quite fond of God! over the years he returned a big bunch of my prayers).
Envy is pitiful and stains even the purest of souls - so I threw it in as a spice of my ‘blasphemy’.

Have a blast in 2009!

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