Comentariile membrilor:

+ Beautiful
Corina Gina Papouis
[19.Jan.09 16:30]
I love the femininity of the text and the delicate tone used to deliver yet a powerful message. We hope those white and red flowers will be delivered before is too late…

 =  lucid dream
Veronica Valeanu
[02.Feb.09 10:54]
it's as if this egg-like text awaited an unbinding for unleashing emotions... the escape from an assumed trance like a shield built for lack of a shared feeling: the illusion of a morganatic love half-born, half-dead which can only find its path of enunciating itself in a lucid dream. all amounting to exasperation, a cold, jagged one.
since it's so round, I couldn't change it. only the title seems incomplete.

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