Comentariile membrilor:

 =  good
Lynn West
[29.May.09 20:57]
a sad but heartfelt poem - I liked it

 =  opinion
Marius Surleac
[30.May.09 09:26]
A serene poem that has a certain flow, not fully developed but comes from the partial rhymes used.
A small objection I'd have: would be better to use "outside" instead of "out" in the second line of the first stanza.

 =  ay, ole, tango
ion a
[01.Jun.09 08:23]
it might sound silly, but i would try to actually follow the correct tango rhythm. try to sing this on something like "la cumparsita":

i've seen you dancing
while you're advancing
you light the room up
i lift my hand up
and everything's spinning around

don't be afraid if it doesn't sound really "deep" or whatever, tango is not supposed to :)
it's the hypnotic effect of rhythm, sensuality and pure joy of living

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