Members comments:

+ salute
ion amariutei
[10.Jul.06 21:02]
liked it, hard nosed poetry, right mixture of detached realism with just a dash of existential uncertainty

welcome to the site!

 =  crumbles
felix nicolau
[13.Jul.06 23:38]
sounds like old chinese by the way of packing serious things in the common newspaper. sort of unconventional haiku

 =  Circumstances
Edilberto González Trejos
[15.Jul.06 17:28]
Hi John Willy,
Your poem brought me reminiscences of Ortega y Gasset when he referred to "I am Me + My Circumstance", when you cleverly mention:
"It all depends on the weather
and the fish we packed
in yesterdays paper"
Sometimes we pack our life in lifeless wrappings, and leave ourselves to outer devices.
Write on Poet


 =  Thank you
John Willy Kopperud
[01.Aug.06 02:27]
Thank yoy very much for your response!
The lifeless wrappings in this case is not the actual paper,
rather the absurd notion that you hardly exist if you've never been on TV!
I'm sorry to say that I've never read the poet you refer to.
Two of my main influences are the beat generation (Kerouac, Ferlinghetti, and son on) and
the English romantics (Keats, Wordsworth, Byron...)

 =  unknown? - For Kopperud
Edilberto González Trejos
[02.Aug.06 18:04]
Hi John Willy,

ORTEGA Y GASSET is a philosopher. He has a classic work called "THE REBELLION OF THE MASSES" (LA REBELIÓN DE LAS MASAS).
As for the beat poets, they are great, KEROUAC & Co., Romatics, they lived their ideals to the last!
I am thinking over and over the misvaluation of a "personal life"... Say hello to your neighbor, go to a movie, read a book, have your own vital circle and of course, it is absurd to base your life in outer fame or "being on tivo"...

Cheers Poet


 =  getting acquainted...
Lorena Biculescu
[30.Oct.06 18:43]
well...your oetry is good, though i don't see where wordsworth's influence might be...him and poe are my personal favourites and i really don't see his influence.However, the poem is deep and expressive, i believe that the answer to the questions you ask are not your to answer...those who ask them are to judge the way you a whole, it's a nice poem, as piece by piece to examine, it's brilliant...

 =  At all times unknown
John Willy Kopperud
[31.Oct.06 12:24]

...Thank you very much for your comment, Lorena. You're quite right; Wordswoths influence is not present in this particular poem. The romantics, Wordsworth among them, are
nevertheless one of my main influences in the general sense
- plus the beat generation, the futurists and the surrealists.

Warm greetings from chilly northern europe

 =  mixture of everyday atmosphere and the uncertainy of our post-postmodern conditi
emilia ivancu
[02.Sep.07 22:46]
A mixture of everyday atmosphere and the uncertainy of our post-postmodern condition?
I like your style...and I will read some more...

 =  Emilia!
John Willy Kopperud
[03.Sep.07 10:52]

Good to hear from you. Both of your suggestions are right.

I would also like to add - as the subtitle indicates - that this is also a salute to those who are exclusively known to
friends, family and relatives. Regardless of any media focus these people are not less valuable than the celebrities!

And: The focus on identity in a general sense is indeed

Cheers from Willy

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