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 =  poetry that makes us be
Alexandra Maria Velianu
[04.Feb.07 16:53]
Very interesting approach of a concept most of us indeed try to ignore. I feel enormously close to your conception of death and poetry role in our life, to create a space for ourselves, a reality as fictional as all the others that surround us...words make it all exist, we think in words, express ourselves in words, even the deepest fears, even the most hidden thoughts...And yet, I sometimes feel words refusing themselves to me, while I try to create a meaning, threatening the very fragile shell of existence between me and chaos...

 =  understanding the same
[04.Apr.07 23:19]
Thanks for your nice comment, Alexandra. To be honest, I've been waiting for a comment from you : after I read some of your poems on Agonia, I was quite sure you'd understand what I intended to say. I know what you mean when you feel that words refuse themselves to you and I read the same words in many letters of many poets... Maybe poetry just stems from this knowledge... I wish you can read French for I am not totally easy with English : if you can, I wrote a little more on the French section of Agonia. Don't hesitate ! (PS : if you please, my email adress is in my profile)

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