Members comments:

 =  "0" article
Axel Lenn
[05.Nov.03 19:26]
What is "happinies"?
"the nights encircle the eyes of the time" - you never actually defined what nights and what specific time you are talking about. So, shouldn't have used the definite article, but "0" (to hero)... NIGHTS ENCIRCLE THE EYES OF TIME

 =  Thank you
Anca Veronica Anghel
[05.Nov.03 19:37]
Yes I made a mistake. Thank you for telling me. It was in the title, but not in the poem.

Regarding the article, my feeling is that time has to be with article in this poem.

As you know a poem is not defining things, it only makes you aware about them.

 =  np
Axel Lenn
[05.Nov.03 21:55]
Indeed, a poem makes you aware OF certain things. "Time", however, is an abstract noun, and like any other abstrat nouns (e.g. death, life, love) it may be used with the definite article if you refer to a certain aspect involving it previously mentioned. Sorry, this has nothing to do with poetry...


 =  correct
Andreea Drãguleasa
[06.Nov.03 01:44]
The article is in the right place; it just makes one read the poem differently: "the time we are in a never-ending hiding" - it is indeed a certain aspect of time, isn't it, Axel?


 =  Incorrect
Axel Lenn
[06.Nov.03 11:52]
The different reading you provided is not different at all, I'm afraid. Even thus put, "NEVER-ending" tells me life is what Anca refers to using time. Take a look below... "Trying to prologue a joy never fulfilled" - she wanted to redirect to the prologue (the beginning) of her life (there's a second metaphor for life used here: "a joy NEVER fulfilled").

If Anca wanted you to read the poem the way you did, I assume "the time we are in a never-ending hiding" would have been a verse from the very beginning. But this would have inevitably ruined the rhythm.

There's no certain aspect of time here, this poems reveals an insight to the author's life with no specific details (or facts). In literary terms, this is an abstract content. Take another look...

 =  analysis
Anca Veronica Anghel
[06.Nov.03 16:20]
If I read again
"the nights encircle the eyes of the time",
I would say that the article to "nights" is not needed, because "nights" are more indefinite than time. Time is definite for me, because it is my time, my lifetime. Nights are not.

And than by saying
" nights encircle the eyes of the time”
will unload one of the articles from this part of my poem.

Makes sense ?

 =  In this case...
Andreea Drăguleasa
[06.Nov.03 17:51]
Anca, now that you've put it this way, Axel is right. No article should be involved with respect to "time", though I still prefer my version of understanding the poem (with a little help from the lack of punctuation, which allowed me to give a different meaning to the last stanza).


 =  Trying to walk on nights...
Diana Pacuraru
[03.Feb.05 00:08]
Another poem which's title combines with the idea in a good link. I guess every day that comes is a new hope, but in the same a new sadness...

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