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 =  Let there be light
Andreea Drãguleasa
[13.Nov.03 09:01]
Light may represent life, reason, truth, righteousness, purity. It is in general a symbol with positive meanings.
The way you link it to the notion of time (seconds - bits of lightning), our fourth dimension, feels like a needed symmetry to the notion "light-year".
I think that instead of "lookings", "looks" would do better.
I definitely like your poem, it is a prolongation of my own concepts.


 =  diluted...
Marius Surleac
[26.May.08 00:27]
Das ist a great poem! "Seconds = bits of lightning" / "eye of seconds = thunder of lookings". There is a surrealist stance diluted a little bit because of time passing by.
Cheers from Marius!

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