Comentariile membrilor:

 =  welcome
Anca Veronica Anghel
[20.Nov.03 08:25]
I welcome your first poem in English, although I remember that I already read the Romanian version of it.

 =  smoking habit
Anca Veronica Anghel
[20.Nov.03 08:29]
* I don't like to act as a "spellchecker" but I have to tell you that "habit" is with one "b".

+ words from a distant shore and so familiar to my soul
Luminiþa Suse
[22.Dec.03 00:54]
I was very impressed from the first time I listened to these verses… Actually, they are the lyrics of a wonderful song and their author is the singer and the guitar player as well. It was a magic September afternoon when I had the rare occasion to listen to such music and its magic words, that kind of yellow-amber afternoon when every leaf fall sounds like the first flight in a golden universe. Remember? We were gathered at the same table. Veve, the perfect hostess, offered us all those goodies, everything she had in the house and in her soul. I mean GOOD FOOD.
At that time I promised myself I would ask for the words one day, imagine my joy when I actually found them here on the site.
Thank you, Ender.

 =  Correction
Luminiþa Suse
[22.Dec.03 01:02]
Sorry, it's "Thank you, Edger"

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