Members comments:

 =  Junii Brasovului
Elena Malec
[28.Apr.04 21:45]
I paid you a visit today;
I see you write from the heart of your homeland.
That's OK.
If I may say:
try writing from the bottom of your heart.

So help me God!

 =  Elena
Daniel Dinescu
[28.Apr.04 22:37]
I always did that, my darling! :)
Thank you for your visit!
Hope to see you soon!

 =  absolved
Elena Malec
[28.Apr.04 23:44]
Read then:
What can I say?
Keep writing from the bottom of your heart.

 =  Anyway
Mihaela Maxim
[03.May.04 18:23]
Some very beautiful thoughts, music and images are bounded here.
I like your trust and motivation.
As Maica Thereza said, it's just between you and Him, anyway…

Listen to her:

People are often without understanding, irrational and selfish...
Forgive them, anyway

If you're good, people can accuse you of being selfish and have hidden intentions...
Be good, anyway.

If you're successful you may win untruly friends and true enemies...
Search for the success, anyway.

If you're honest and sincere, people can deceive and betray you...
Be honest and sincere, anyway.

What can you build in years, others can brake in just one day...
Build it, anyway.

If you find the peace and happiness, people can be invidious...
Just be happy, anyway.

The good thing you've done today may be forgotten tomorrow...
Do the good and right thing today, anyway.

Give the world the best in you, and it will be maybe, never enough...
Just give the best you have, anyway.

At least of all this is between you and God...
It has never been between you and them, anyway

 =  a change in level
Anca Anghel Novac
[03.May.04 20:17]
Daniel, we appreciate so much your work here. From now one you are able to mark poems in English that are good by giving stars. Please take this responsibility seriously and let us know your opinion.
In the end, whatever we do here is a kind of teamwork. Let’s have fun and do a great job in the same time by learning from each other.

Thank you.

 =  From the heart
Monica Manolachi
[31.Jan.05 11:36]
I read your prayer and I think it is from the heart. At least partly I understand what you feel. These days I'm going to read your writings.

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