Comentariile membrilor:

 =  gravitation
Anca Anghel Novac
[28.Mar.04 17:39]
"that darkness and light are still rolling
around me like a beautiful brace"

Nice image, full of meanings. It is interesting this rolling that you mentioned about with the light and the dark gravitating around you. It looks like a temptation with you between two antipodes

 =  ... and promise
Virgil Titarenco
[30.Mar.04 09:23]
God to Noah in:
Genesis 8:22 "As long as the earth endures, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night will never cease."

 =  full of wonder(read wonderful)
Elena Malec
[29.Apr.04 05:28]
Virgil, we have a piece of poetry here!
I can't resist asking you, though: why don't you let your shoots glow and your roots germinate?

 =  pure trust
Bianca Iulia Goean
[29.Jul.04 14:27]
"strange whispers are coming and going
in dark germinating are shoots"
Beautiful images, meaningful and misterious...

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