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 =  dazed&confused
Carmen Fenesan
[16.Aug.04 17:18]
The first 3 parts have a cool sound (probably all those puns and all that alliteration), the last part left me hanging (Copy that?). The great thing about these poems that leave me wondering what the hell they were about is all the room left for interpretation. After some consideration I think I like it .. but what the hell was it about? :)
'SickBoy'..? Anything to do with Trainspotting?

 =  Sick anger
Mitoiu Razvan
[23.Aug.04 13:04]
well.. think of all the posibilities that anger has.It can come in so many ways.So wierd feelings we experience every single day tryin' to defeat it... It's the song of fury.
SickBoy came before Trainspotting (..but it is a cool movie after all)

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