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Are we ever going to wake up?
eseu [ ]

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de [laurakm2005 ]

2009-06-16  | [Acest text ar trebui citit în english]    | 

We, human beings, are strong and intellectual creatures. We can seldom stare opportunity, change and decision right in the eyes.

But, there is a but…

We are complete idiots! Foolish indeed!

We cannot control our anger, we say things that we ourselves do not believe, promise and forget to keep our word, live in disorder and lie not knowing how to truly love anything. We have just gotten to the point where we wretchedly learned how to love our own persona. And we still have high demands from everyone else. Such fools! How can you trust people anymore when you get more and more slaps, punches in your head and “garbage” thrown right at you? How much more should we endure? Sometimes, we are envious at the other’s stupidity, so that a more superior one starts growing inside. Depressing!

We are entertained when we argue, give forward harsh words and then, with a seemingly true „sorry” said silently we ask for forgiveness. Are we not that smart as to realize that what is done is done, hard to be erased just like that? Even words spoken wildly destroy us piece by piece. Are we that blind so we cannot see that each step we take, wrong or not, lives before us? Inside? But when something happens, what do we say? Idiots? THIS IS IT. NOTHING ELSE TO DO ABOUT IT. I feel like laughing. This is it. Those words rip my heart out.

We are so stupid that we came to like our self-destruction. We think about dreadful untrue things, then we, with our own hands, make them happen. Do we really not see that we are better than that? Why draw the line below “That’s it” or an “angry state of being” or whatever other unimportant sensations? When we are the ones capable of making every moment worth living. When we can make ourselves happy and the ones around us feel the same way. Stupid! When are we ever going to wake up out of this nothingness we live in? Can’t you see it’s just us, each of us alone, no one with someone? Just me and myself, you and yourself, he with himself. Even animals take better care of their lives than we do of our soul and mind. We’re ill of foolishness. Will we escape?

Or is it too late?

Human beings are a bad mixture of intelligence and folly. That’s why we can be found either above the surface or deep within, never where we were created to be.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

11:16:36 PM

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