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Poezii Românesti - Romanian Poetry



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Research on Romanian Family
eseu [ ]
(part 1)

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de [Ximena ]

2009-10-28  | [Acest text ar trebui citit în english]    | 

Ever wonder what it means to be a child in Romania?
And by child I mean a normal kid, from the common social class.
It is hard to define the way you have to deal with all the problems.
And by problems I mean not only relational ones, but survival ones.
You have to find solutions how to earn your food, to not get beaten by the guy down the street, and mainly how to become independent from your parents.
You hate it, even when you're ten years old to ask for some money to go with your classmates to see a movie, and to see their sad faces when they give you the little they have, or when they say: "I'm sorry, but you'll have to wait until I get the next salary."
It's hard to see how your parents, don't have a clue how to manage their income. Many spend what they have on cigarettes and drinks, on unhealthy food or stupid investments.
Romanian grownups spend most of their spare time in front of TV, watching the VIP scandals and the politicians arguing about the welfare of their beloved country.
Parents don't have time to educate, they buy the kid a TV instead. So by the time you learn to write you already know what sex is, who is the coolest porn star, and what singer has silicone implants.
Even families with no income have TV antennas, so it's watching the soap with mama or going out to play with the dirt and leaves.
And how entertaining are the leaves?
But, don't blame the parents!
They have a hard life themselves. After 8 hours of work, and sometimes overtime they come home disappointed that another day of their life is wasted, and to forget about that they blur their mind in alcohol and wash their brain watching stupid stuff.
The man from the Romanian family has no time to read, has no time to work in his garden,to do sports, has no time to clean its house, has no time to help his friends, has no time to love.
But he has plenty of time to hate, to party, to smoke and drink, to waste in gossips and dispraise his friends, his neighbors, his parents, to sleep or simply just sit and do nothing.
He has no money to buy flowers and fruits, considers that investing in hard working business is a waste of time, but on the other hand he buys a lot of junk, and useless objects, and considers that fortune games like sports bets, loto or 6 from 49 are a good, are great every day investment.
Our families are mainly Christian, but when it comes to doing their Christian duty, they all forget about it. They come from time to time, to do their religious rituals, but inside they stay numb, as if they didn't then they would have to be sincere to themselves, and would break their comfortable miserable way of life.
Romanians are not poor because they have no resources, but because they are too lazy to do anything. They are satisfied with few, but always complain they'd want more.
Interesting contradictions... but useless talk!

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