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Eclipse of Truth
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- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
by [adavasiloi ]

2009-11-03  |     | 

On the 11th of August 1999 we all experienced an interesting thing, a great astronomical event - the total solar eclipse. This event was great only for us, humans, because what actually had happened? If it could be possible to travel throughout the space, we could see this happening anytime, under condition of being in an appropriate place, such as Moon or Earth, or any other space object that could stand between us and Sun. The crowd of tourists that came to Romania to watch the total solar eclipse had acted accordingly - they moved to the right place at the right time. In fact, the total solar eclipse produced by the Moon can be monitored any moment from an indefinite number of positions in space, and we watch it so seldom only because the greatest number of these positions are inaccessible to us, because we are bounded to this small planet on which we try to move freely, but in fact just going round and round.
More than that, the mankind experiences the total solar eclipse every night, but though it lasts for several hours, it stays unnoticed! The difference is that the great star that generated life is under the eclipse of our planet, and not of the Moon. Do we really perceive night as being a mysterious and extraordinary phenomenon? Do we admire extraordinary sunsets and sunrises as much as we did the great short eclipse from 1999? Of course not! Though we should not forget the wonderful world we live in, the marvelous things we have around us, the wonderful creatures about. Only in these moments we could really appreciate the splendid and terrible gifts - the Universe, the physical body, the life. It can seem strange and curious that such a phenomenon as solar eclipse has generated a real emotional and spiritual storm. There were so many threats, suppositions, strange predictions, religious fanaticism, fantastic interpretations, philosophical thoughts and many other manifestations of the human spirit generated by this eclipse, the event so much expected with feverishness and extreme curiosity by everyone. Many people expected disasters, many predicted the end of the days; there were people feverishly looking through the books of Nostradamus, the Bible, apostolic writings. Surprisingly, but none of these boisterous prophets is responsible for categorical, irrevocable declarations made the day before the eclipse, and no one apologizes for the moral damage caused to the society. I don't know if Paco Rabane who had the courage to predict the end of the days just before the eclipse, declaring that if this doesn't happen he will stay mute for the rest of his life, is keeping to his word, but I hardly believe this. There is something else I am worried about. What is the reason that makes all these people act this way, telling lies with such a belief? The fact that they believe everything they say is neither an explanation, nor an excuse for them, as every inspired liar believes what he says. Initially the idea of lie that is going to be produced by his inventive mind gets more of a material form - unreal details aimed to embellish it and make it credible. In this way the liar is constantly searching for new arguments to support the "hypothesis", asking scientific authorities or appealing to any "divine" sources, gradually convincing himself ant the others around him.
When looking closely at this prophet in the climax of his glory in moments of his eloquent speeches in front of the amazed, scared or frightened public, we immediately realize that our soothsayer experiences a great pleasure - he is full of vanity, absorbing avidly the emotions from around. There is no doubt that flatted vanity is an important component of the psychological reason that supports the liar in his desire to spin and spread his inventions; very often the latter are attributed a pseudoscientific, philosophical or religious character. Everything can be said, and the imagination has no limits. A simple, unscrupulous, fearless individual, having no ingenious ideas of his own that refer to a fine remark or to an uncovered truth, usually resorts to the lie thought by somebody else to solve some personal needs- the necessity to speak with his fellows as well as the desire to be remarked, although there are no evident reasons for that. It is the easiest way that demands no physical or intellectual efforts.
It happens that easy ways are immoral ways. There are a great number of amateurs that sometimes afford playing with the truth; but there are a greater number of swindlers that turns this into a profitable affaire. The reason of the latter is the money. What about the amateurs, well... There is nothing serious at first sight, a man said a lie, enjoyed the reaction of the others and everything ended well, no one had to suffer after that even believing the
sayings. Actually, the phenomenon is worse that it seems. The moral damage the society suffers because of the crowd of different liars is huge, and the contribution of amateur liars is no less important. Professionals invoke the idea of a lie, the amateurs spread it around. The sternest thing is that we get accustomed with the lie, we live in lie and we get our children used to it. In this way we create the most favorable conditions for this phenomenon, we encourage professional liars that come from the rows of amateurs.
Now the mankind is placed in a cobweb of different religious sects, simple philosophies and pseudoscientific speculations that compete in order to get priority; we are in a network with good but poisonous baits. The masters of
this web are the masters of the world. They control out minds and souls, they nourish with our blood and flash.
Just as we do not notice the night - the great total solar eclipse that is always nearby, we cease noticing the great eclipse of Truth that is very often crossed by the dark clouds of superstition and false inventions. This is the eclipse we should be worried about. This is the eclipse that generates hate, envy, intolerance, violence, evil. Being conscious of this, let's prove more responsibility for what we say and lets forget about evident bullshits.
Being naive when mature is not a drawback but a serious moral deficiency that can influence negatively our personality. We can be indulgent with a foolish child, because naivety is caused by lack of experience and knowledge he will be able to gain in future; in the same time we cannot tolerate the credulity of a mature person that results from ignorance based on intellectual laziness and carelessness.

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