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Insurance for a lifetime
proză [ ]

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
de [isamia ]

2012-01-29  | [Acest text ar trebui citit în english]    | 

- I heard that life is short! Hm! Can I have insurance for this? Please…
- Certainly. What kind of insurance would you like to have?
- Hm! I don’t know, let’s see! I found it! I would like to have insurance for a perfect life! Can you give me this?
- Sure, why not! But you’ll have to go for sure to another department.
- But why? I tought that you can provide me this document over here. After all is just a piece of paper!
- Well, actually I can’t! This requires a special treatment and a very delicate agreement and the prise is very expensive.
- Doesn’t matter! I can afford to pay as much as it takes!
- I beg your pardon?
- You heard me well, old boy! In this special occasion the money doesn’t count. I had dreamt all my life for this kind of insurance.
- If you have all the money in the world, why don’t you make a life insurance? It will be more convenient.
- But I want to have something special, unique! Something just for myself!
- I see…
- In this case, will you help me or not!
- Yes. I will help you gladly, but you must know this affair is a kind of illegal... is something against the rules!
- What on earth are you talking about it? You have to give me some explanations mister! It’s this or not an insurance company?
- It’s a little beat complicated.
- I’m not going anywhere and I really have all the time in the world, said the old man who was sitting on a chair in front of the desk.

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